Back Pain

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November 14, 2015 0 Comments

Low back pain:

is one of the most prevelant health conditions in society today. It is the leading cause of work absence and activity limitations. Recurrence rates for low back pain are thought be between 24% and 33%. Although there are a multitude of possible causes, 85% of people are diagnoised with non specific low back pain.


Risk factors for low back pain:

are not well defined in the literature and are population specific. Therefore definitive predicitors of are difficult to identify. Gender, age, genetics, build,strength and flexibility have been described as possible risk factors with varying degrees of evidence to support their roles in low back pain. Psychosocial factors such as fear avoidence, depression, anxiety, and physical distress have been showen to play large role in chronic pain.

The following clip is a joint project between GP Access and the Hunter Integrated Pain Service. It outlines the many factors that may contribute to the experience of feeling pain, and how it can develop into persistent pain.

By utilizing a client-centred approach, incorporating biopsychosocial factors, and encouraging clients to actively engage in their rehabilitation, your physical therapist can guide you through a process in reducing your pain experience.


Delitto A, George S, Van Dillen L, Whitman J, Sowa G, Shekelle P, Denninger T, Godges J. (2012). Low Back Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines. Journal of Orthopaedic Sports Physiotherapy, 42(4)A1-A57

Fersum K, O’Sullivan P, Skouen J, Smith A, Kvale. (2012). Efficacy of Classification-based cognitive Functional Therapy in Patients with Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomised Controlled Trial. European Journal of Pain, 1-13

Jensen I, Bergstrom G, Ljungquiist T, Bodin L. (2007). A 3-year Follow-up of a Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Programme for Back and Neck Pain. Pain, (115), 273-283

Louw A, Diener I, Butler D, Puentedura E. (2011). The Effects of Neuroscience Education on Pain, Disability, Anxiety, and Stress in Chronic Musculoskletal Pain. Archives of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation, 92, 2041-2056.

Louw A, Puentedura E. (2011). A Neuroscience Approach to Managing Athletes with Low Back Pain. Physical Therapy in Sport, 13, 123-133

McGill S. (2007). Desining Back Exercises: from Rehabilitation to Enhancing Performance. Human Kinetics, USA

O’Sullivan P, Lin I. (2014). Acute Low back Pain, Beyond Drug Therapies. Pain Management Today, 1(1): 8-13