Core Stability For Runners

core stability
February 25, 2016 0 Comments

Core Stability, What is it?   Core stability, why do runners need a good core? Mention core work to most people, and they think of crunchers/sit ups and planks. How do we define our core? These should be easy questions to answer as core stability is everywhere, from GAA training to pilates to boot camps. …

Low Carb High Fat (LCHF)

September 28, 2015 0 Comments

Back in May 2015 I was waiting to catch a plane to New York for my sister’s wedding. I had some time to kill in the departures lounge so I ambled into the book shop. I’m always drawn to the sport or non fiction sections. Within a couple of minutes browsing I came across Christoper McDougalls’ latest book, “Natural Born Heroes”. Having really enjoyed the concept of his previous book “Born to Run” I decided to give this one a shot.

Fuel for Endurance

Fuel for endurance
September 22, 2015 0 Comments

Fuel for endurance is a hotly debated topic. Understanding your bodies energy and nutritional requirements is a difficult task. Fueling this demand can be even trickier. As an endurance athlete I am constantly researching and experimenting with new and old training techniques. I believe fuel along with physical/mental strength, flexibility and recovery are all components of a good training lifestyle. Endurance athletes have traditionally favoured diets high in carbohydrates (pasta, bread, rice, potatoes etc.), moderate in protein (meat, fish) and low in fat

Stretching, Should You Stretch?

March 11, 2015 0 Comments

Static stretching (SS) has been used as part of a warm up protocol for many years. It is common to see teams of every code, athletes, cyclists, etc, stretching before their chosen discipline. It is also common among all levels of athletes to incorporate SS into their cool down regime. This methodical approach has been indoctrinated into us for many years by well meaning parents, coaches, teachers, etc. However there is very little evidence to show the benefits of stretching. The supposed benefits of static stretching (SS) are to:

Case Study – Calf Tear

October 16, 2014 0 Comments

Introduction & Anatomy A calf tear is a common injury among the sporting population. The calf muscle that comes to mind at its mention, is the Gastrocnemius muscle. Gastrocnemius is the prime plantar flexor (standing on your tippy toes) of the foot. However it isn’t the only muscle that’s makes up the calf. The Sloeus, Plantaris …