Can I Run With a Sore Hamstring

April 13, 2020 0 Comments

This is a question I am often asked when dealing with hamstring injuries. My typical answer is, “it depends”.  Some of the questions I ask are as follows Was there a particular incident that led to a pain in your hamstring? Is it something that gradually came on over time? Do you have a history …

How To Fix Your Overstride

Overstride - marathon week
April 4, 2016 0 Comments

Overstride As I outlined in my previous post, overstriding is a major contributor to knee pain and poor economy. I want to highlight some exercises and running form drills that you can incorporate into your training, to help prevent your overstride.  Hernan Pinera

Hamstring Injury

September 2, 2014 0 Comments

The etiology of hamstring injury fall into two categories. The sprinting type injury and the stretching type injury. Hamstring injuries affect a wide variety of sports from track & field to soccer, rugby, GAA, gymnasts, and martial arts. Despite recent research into rehabilitation, recurrence and time to return to play, injury recurrence is high.

It is thought that the injury mechanism resulting from sprinting is caused by overload of the biceps femoris and semitendonis intramuscular tendon while decelerating, during the terminal swing phase of the gait cycle. Injuries affecting dancers and gymnasts, result in the proximal free tendon(semimembranous) being put in a position of extreme stretch. This can occur at fast or slow movements that involve simulatenous hip flexion and knee extension.